We know Argentina and its borders much better than anybody else.
Offices in Argentina
Main Office: Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires: Ezeiza, La Plata, Zarate, Campana, Las Palmas, San Nicolás, Bahía Blanca.
Chubut: Puerto Madryn.
Santa Cruz: Puertode Santa Cruz (Punta Quilla), Puerto Deseado.
Santa Fe: Constitución, Rosario, San Lorenzo.
Entre Ríos: Concepción del Uruguay, Gualeguaychú, Ibicuy.
Córdoba: the Capital City of Córdoba.
Mendoza: Mendoza Capital, Nueva Palmira, Dry Port.
San Juan: the Capital City of San Juan.
Corrientes: the Capital City of Corrientes, Paso de Los Libres.
Formosa: the Capital City of Formosa, Clorinda.
Salta: the Capital City of Salta.
Jujuy: the Capital City of Jujuy.
Offices in Brazil:
Rio Grande do Sul: Uruguaiana, Santo Tome-Sao Borja (MERCOVIA).
Entre Rios Office
Concepción del Uruguay
INTERNATIONAL STAR S.A. was awarded the concession of the Free Zone of Concepción del Uruguay by Decree No. 1213 signed by the Executive Power of Entre Ríos. With an area of 114 hectares, at 125 Km on the motorway known as Ruta Nacional 14, it has a strategic geographical location and infrastructure, turning it into the largest Comprehensive Logistics Center of the Bioceanic Corridor. www.zfdcu.com.ar
Through the Customs of: Paso de Los Libres - Uruguaiana and Santo Tome - Sao Borja. We ship the most important projects of the MERCOSUR